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Writer's pictureCharol Messenger

Freedom in America is not lost. This is not the end of democracy.

January 8, 2021. Post the Insurrection of the American Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“Right is not might. Right is justice . . . and justice is now at the door.” [9:09 a.m. MT]

From the ascended consciousness of Jesus:

Dearest ones, the fate of freedom is not lost. Freedom in America is not lost. This is not the end of democracy—in America, or in the world.

Democracy is strong. The majority of all peoples believe in humility and goodwill—which are the bedrock of free peoples.

So, dear ones, while this trial of terror is upsetting, please know that this is a clearing ground . . . of all that is not in the greater good. This is a reminder of why it matters to care for others. This is a reminder of why it matters to have elections and to choose wise, sincere, good people. This is why is matters to see who is genuine and to discern who is not.

Fame is not the banner of freedom. Ridicule and defamation are not regulations of elections—which is choices voiced.

Only honesty can be the regulator of elections—choices voiced. Only humility can be the regulator of how to see and know who is honest, and who is not.

This crisis in America is a turning point—toward more compassion, toward more caring . . . toward caring about what is the real character of those elected as “representatives” of the people.

For an honest character is not obsessed with attention, and is not a spewer of lies. An honest character is only filled with a deep commitment to be of service and to help people have easier lives.

An honest character lives not for him or herself—but only to be of service.

An honest character is clearly evident by words, actions, behaviors, and choices.

Trust only those whose focus is not only on themselves.

And . . . you may be assured . . . that those who have (and are) wrought disaster upon the peoples are, indeed, about to be disarmed.

Right is not might.

Right is justice . . . and justice is now at the door. [9:09 a.m. MT 1-8-21]

I am your beloved, Jesus, Sananda. Always your friend.

[Charol Messenger, writing in deep meditation since 1975, receiving higher teachings from Master Teacher Jesus, angels, and her Oversoul Samuel. The newest book is from Jesus, Your Awakening Attitude of Service, on the fifth level of consciousness. Soon to be offered worldwide as a free ebook.]

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