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YOU 2.0: Living Your Infinite Self

Hi! I am currently very busy writing and publishing (and working as freelance book editor). I will have more new messages from the I AM Consciousness, at some point. For now, announcing: My newest spiritual book now on Kindle!

Quality paperback 6×9, 286 pages $19.95 on Amazon. Now on KINDLE half price: $9.99. Available to purchase here.

“This Source book is a how-to manual for the serious spiritual seeker on the path…” − Wendy T. Upde, M.A. in Counseling Psychology, transformational teacher

“I felt it was written for me… Incredible and nonintimidating insight into where one is on the path and how to interpret one’s spiritual growth in daily practical terms… Important for those…who seek deeper understanding.” − John Brennan, Founding Dean Regis University School for Professional Studies, Denver

“You 2.0 is an extraordinary collection of information, tools, and techniques for anyone who is on the path of the spiritual warrior. The chapters about how to continue to access our higher selves through our daily lives really helped me retool my days so that I can focus on who I really am, while I still do my day job and all the ‘normal’ daily chores of life here on earth.” − Katie Allen, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, secretary by day

YOU 2.0 reveals the ancient higher knowledge of the Higher Self initiation and integration process for advancing on the path of living your higher destiny. You are given the formula for connecting with your Higher Self and attaining spiritual enlightenment. Through the analogy of a typical life dilemma, you are shown how your choices result in the consequences in your life. You learn the ten new dimensions of the integrated Self, the purpose of life’s lessons, why you were born, and your place in this Cosmic Age of global awakening—so that you embrace your place in the world as a leader in planetary consciousness and a teacher of light. Why Higher Self integration? Unlike in all the ages past, all knowledge, wisdom, and insight are available to everyone, not only to a devoted few. Every human on earth has direct access to the Divine inner guidance. You, too, have that direct access. It is through the Higher Self.

Since her spontaneous mystical awakening and oversoul merge in 1975, Charol Messenger has served over 29,000 individuals through clairvoyant readings, classes, talks, her books on personal and planetary transformation, and her blog from the Infinite Consciousness. In 1983, Charol was certified as a clear channel by ascended masters (including Djwhal Khul) via The Tibetan Foundation in Denver, Colorado.

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