YOU 2.0: Living Your Infinite Self Higher Self initiation and integration, advancing on the soul path. (Just published 1-1-13)
Humanity 2.0: The Transcension Humanity’s future. New insights on our lives beyond 2012. Among top 6 winners nationally in the 2012 USA Best Book Awards! And Award-winning Finalist CIPA Book Awards!
Intuition for Every Day Original body of work with over 130 practical techniques and dozens of true stories of psychic protection and visitations. Beginner-to-advanced. Workbook, autobiographical. (Just published late 2012)
The Soul Path: Understanding Your Spiritual Experience Ancient teachings on how to live in the real world as a spiritual being. (Just published late 2012)
Wings of Light: Knowing the Angels Who Guide You The four angels who help you every day. Award-winning Finalist in 2012 CIPA book awards!, and Kindle